Educational Value
Interactive and Educational Core Memory!
Why use Core64 for Education?
The complete Core64 kit enables safe hands-on learning through an incredibly diverse range of domains. Designed to facilitate experiential learning, the Core64 kit opens the door to unleashing creativity in any or all of the domains. The Core64 kit is perfect for S.T.E.M. and S.T.E.A.M. programs. The software included is accessible, updatable, and changeable to support a wide variety of applications.
Multiple Domains: Weaving, Wiring, Magnetism, Computer Science, Mathematics, History, Programming, Logic, Electronics, User Interface Design, Embedded Design, Product Design, Firmware, Software, Interfacing, Color, Art, Applications, Software Architecture and Layers.
Tangible and Hands-On: Assembling the Core64 kit requires weaving wires to create an authentic and usable memory.
What are the learning points?
Weaving Core Memory: A unique feature of this kit is the requirement to weave fines wires through small ferrite cores. In other words, actually CREATING the memory to store 1s and 0s. Started at this level brings the most fundamental concept of technology alive, creating a solid platform to build understanding.
Historical Relevance: This kit offers a unique opportunity to connect modern day computing to real people in history and the NASA Space Program. Not only was this technology used in business and academic settings around the world, it was also at the hear of the the Apollo program in the Apollo Guidance Computers which enabled human visits to the moon! This project connects well with important people in history, who tend to be attracted to this project. The people familiar with core memory technology from the 50s through the 70s are excited to share their experiences and connect personally with the Core64 kit. Opportunities to include these historical experts abound around the world.